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ReCoverCA Housing Programs

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ReCoverCA 2020 Housing Programs

California Department of Housing & Community Development’s ReCoverCA Housing has two Programs that provide funding support to homeowners who have been affected by wildfires, including the Zogg fire, and to reduce risk and improve resiliency in the event of future disasters. Homeowners may be eligible for up to $500,000 to repair and reconstruct their homes or up to $50,000 for wildfire mitigation retrofits. 

The two programs are:

  • Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program: Grants of up to $500,000 to low- and moderate-income, single-family homeowners for reconstruction.

Download the flyer for more information.

2020 ReCoverCA OOR Flyer Eng.pdf
  • Owner-Occupied Wildfire Mitigation Retrofits Program: Grants of up to $50,000 to low- and moderate-income, single-family homeowners for disaster mitigation (home hardening, defensible space).

Download the flyer for more information.

2020 ReCoverCA OOM Flyer Eng.pdf

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