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Additional WW fuels reduction 

  • Shingletown WUI Fuel Treatment grant, funded by Cal Fire totaled $8.7 million
  • Lassen Fire Safe Council continues to perform additional work throughout Shingletown
  • Whispering Woods Estates properties and community participation made it possible to use large logging equipment to complete the project
  • The underground infrastructure and minimal fencing was a large factor leading to the success 


  • Ladder fuels reduction targeted a 10% Basel fuel reduction for specific species of conifers uner 14" diameter on participating properties
  • Dead / dying  trees that could safely be removed with logging equipment
  • Large logging equipment needed to traverse multiple properties


Whispering Woods treatment 1
Whispering Woods treatment 3
  • 32 properties were successfully treated
  • 2300 tons of chipped material was removed
  • Shasta County (CSA 13) was treated
  • Caltrans vegetation management team performed work on their property at the ingress / egress to the community


  • Lassen Fire Safe Council, Shasta County Fire Safe Council, Shingletown Fire Safe Council
  • Shasta County (CSA 13)
  • Cal Fire
  • Peterson Timber
  • Caltrans
  • W.M. Beaty
  • Lisa Glen, LLC
  • Firewise committee